Monday 2 September 2019

Kicad Tutorial 1.5: Assign Footprints to Capacitors and Create Capacitor Footprint

Assign Footprints to Capacitors C2 and C3 and Choose Footprint For Capacitor C4

You can watch this video on Youtube by clicking on Kicad Tutorial 1.5 Part A: Choose and

Choose and Assign KiCad Footprint to Capacitor (2 C2 –  1000pF)

1.     In our KiCad tutorial the next item in our list in the Assign Footprints window under

         Symbol: Footprint Assignments is 2 C2 -   1000pF

2.      If we click on it, it shows up in red in Eeschema

3.       From the circuit diagram in Eeschema, we see that C2 is also a non- polarized 

         1000pF capacitor.

4.       From the VISHAY VY2 series Capacitor datasheet, we see the following in 

         figure 1.5A below:

Vishay capacitor datasheet to create kicad footprint
Fig. 1.5A: Vishay Datasheet 

5.   From the datasheet above next to 1000pF we can see that:

       5.1.     Body Diameter Dmax. (mm) is given at 7.5 mm.

       5.2.     Body Thickness Tmax. (mm) is given as 5.0 mm.

       5.3.     Lead Spacing F (mm) is given as:

                  5.3.1.       5.0 mm.

                  5.3.2.       7.5 mm.

                  5.3.3.       10.0 mm.

                  5.3.4.       12.5 mm.

6.      What this means once again though is that according to the KiCad footprint naming

         convention the following disc capacitor KiCad footprints are possible depending on

          the lead spacing:

         6.1.    Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P5.00mm.

         6.2.    Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P7.50mm.

         6.3.    Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm.

         6.4.     Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P12.50mm.

7.     It means any of the above KiCad footprints can be used.

8.     The only difference between the footprints is the lead spacing which can be either 

         5.00mm, 7.50mm, 10.00mm or 12.50mm. 

9.      We can use exactly the same footprint we used before on the 100pF capacitor  

         that being: Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm

10.    Choose as before and double click on: 

         Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm.

11.    Click on Apply, Save Schematic & Continue.

12.    The allocation of the footprint to capacitor C2 in the Assign Footprints window of 
         KiCad is shown in the figure below:

Assignment footprint capacitor C2 in Assign Footprints window
Assignment of footprint to capacitor C2 in the Assign Footprints window of KiCad

13.   If you click on the image above you will get an enlarged image and you will be able

        to see it better.

Choose and Assign Footprint to Capacitor (3 C3 –  470pF)

1.       The next item in our list in the Assign Footprints window under Symbol: Footprint 

           Assignments is 3 C3 - 470pF

2.       If we click on it, it shows up in red in Eeschema C3 470pF non-polarized capacitor. 

3.       From the VISHAY datasheet above in figure 1.5A next to 470pF we once again 

          can see that:

          3.1.     Body Diameter Dmax. (mm) is given at 7.5 mm.

          3.2.     Body Thickness Tmax. (mm) is given as 5.0 mm.

          3.3.     Lead Spacing F (mm) is given as:

                     3.3.1.      5.0 mm.

                     3.2.         7.5 mm.

                      3.3.        10.0 mm.

                      3.4.        12.5 mm.

 4.      We can use exactly the same KiCad footprint we used before on the 100pF and

          1000pF capacitors that being:


5.      Choose as before and double click on:
          Capacitor_THT: C_Disc_D7.5mm_W5.0mm_P10.00mm

6.       Click on Apply, Save Schematic & Continue.

Choose Kicad Footprint for Capacitor (4 C4 –  0.1uF)

1.     The next item in our list in the Assign Footprints window under Symbol: 

         Footprint Assignments is 4 C4 -   0.1uF or 100nF or 100 000pF. 

2.     If we click on it, it shows up in red in Eeschema as C4 0.1uF non-polarized capacitor.  

3.     The previous series of capacitors from VISHAY won’t work.

4.      Those capacitors only go to 10 nF.

5.      We now use the VISHAY Lower Voltage Ceramic Single-layer DC Disc Capacitors

         2 kVdc to 7.5 kVdc should do the trick. 

6.      On the 564R and 565R series capacitors Vishay Cera-Mite datasheet 

         we see the following in figure 1.5B:

vishay ceramic capacitor datasheet
Fig. 1.5B: Vishay Ceramic 0.1 uF Ceramic Capacitor

7.      Lower down the table with heading Y5V DIELECTRIC in figure 1.5C below we see 
         the 0.1 uF capacitor we are looking for.

Vishay ceramic capacitor dimensions to choose capacitor footprint
Fig. 1.5C: Y5V Vishay Ceramic Capacitor

8.     In the VISHAY datasheet, we find also the dimensions shown in figure 1.5D below:

Vishay capacitor dimensions explained
Fig. 1.5D: Dimensions Explained

9.    From this we can see the capacitor being a SIZE 15 has the following dimensions: 

         9.1     Dmax DIAMETER (mm) or D (in KiCad) = 24.1 mm.

         9.2.    Tmax THICKNESS (mm) or  (in KiCad) = 6.1mm.

         9.3.    LS LEAD SPACE (mm)  or Pitch P  (in KiCad) = 9.5mm.

10.      The capacitor is basically disc-shaped therefore Disc

11.       The capacitor is non-polarized therefore C.

12.       In KiCad format the KiCad capacitor footprint, therefore, should look like this:

            Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D 24.1mm_W6.1mm_P9.50mm.

KiCad Footprint Editor

How To Save A Kicad Footprint Library And A Kicad Footprint

You can watch this video on YouTube by clicking on: Kicad Tutorial 1.5 Part B: How To Save

Kicad Footprint Library And Kicad Footprint.

1.      To open the KiCad Footprint Editor in Eeschema click on the Footprint Editor icon.

2.       It is the icon with the horizontal IC and the green legs.

3.       The Footprint Editor window opens as shown in figure 1.5D.1 below:

kicad footprint editor
Fig, 1.5D.1 Footprint Editor

4.      In the left column, all the libraries appear.

5.      These are the files with the .pretty extensions.

6.      It is in these library files in which all the footprint files are kept.

7.      The footprint files have .kicad_mod files.

8.       You cannot store any footprints that you yourself create in the K
iCad footprint library

          files of KiCad that were installed when you downloaded KiCad

9.       As can be seen in the figure above the following are examples of KiCad 

          footprint libraries:

         9.1.     Fuse

         9.2.     Inductor; and

         9.3.     Jumper.

10.     If you click on the “+” of the Fuse library, you will see all the different types of Fuse 

          footprints listed beneath Fuse.

11.    T
hey are shown in the figure below 1.5D.2: 

Kicad Fuse Footprint Library showing Fuse Footprints
Fig. 1.5D.2 Fuse Library with Fuse Footprints

12.     These fuse footprints have .kicad_mod extensions although not shown in the 

          Footprint Editor in the figure 1.5D.2 above.

13.     If you want to create and store your own footprint you have to create your own 

          KiCad footprint libraries.

14.      As can be seen in figure 1.5D.3 below I opened a file right on my C-drive 

           called KICADFootprints.

Kicad Footprint files created on C-drive
Fig. 1.5D.3: Kicad Footprint files created on C-drive

15.       I am going to use this file to store and save my own KiCad footprint libraries 

            and footprints.

16.      In the Footprints Editor by selecting File and clicking on New Library… and 

           then navigating to the KICADFootprints file I created libraries 

           shown below as: Capacitors.pretty.

17.        As can be seen in figure 1.5D.3 I also created the following footprints and 

              saved then in the KICADFootprints file:

             17.1.       Test Foot Print.kicad_mod, and

             17.2.       TestFootPrint.kicad_mod.

18.        If we look in the Footprint Editor we can see how these libraries and footprints 

             are displayed in the Footprint Editor.

19.        Shown in figure 1.5D.4 below is the file KICADFootprints that contain the 

             footprints files named Test Foot Print and TestFootPrint.

Footprints Editor File Containing Footprints
Fig. 1.5D.4: Shown in Footprints Editor KICADFootprints File Containing Footprints Test Foot Print and TestFootPrint

20.      Going back to the files stored on my computer we see in figure 1.5D.5 below that 

           in the KICADFootprints file is stored the footprint library file Capacitors.pretty.

21.      In the Capacitors.pretty library file is stored the footprint file TEST2.kicad_mod.

Fig. 1.5D.5: Capacitors.pretty footprint library file Contains TEST2.kicad_mod footprint file

22.        The corresponding the Capacitors.pretty library file with the footprint file 

             TEST2.kicad_mod in the Footprint Editor can be seen in figure 1.5D.6 below:

Capacitors footprint library having TEST2 footprint shown in Footprint Editor
Fig. 1.5D.6: Capacitors footprint library having TEST2 footprint shown in Footprint Editor

23.     As can be seen in the figure above in the Footprint Editor the Capacitors footprint

          library file contains the TEST2 footprint file.

24.     The file extensions .pretty for Capacitors footprint library and the .kicad_mod for 

          the TEST2 footprint file are not shown in the Footprint Editor.

25.      As a final check in Footprint Editor click on the Preferences menu and then 

           select Manage Symbol Libraries ... .

26.       The Footprint Libraries window opens as shown in the figure 1.5D.7 below

Fig. 1.7D: Footprint Libraries Window

27.      Scroll to the end of the Global Libraries window.

 28.     The KICADFootprints file,  as well as the Capacitors footprint 

           libraries with .pretty extensions are shown in the Footprint Libraries window.

Create a New KiCad Footprint for Capacitor 

(THT:  C_Disc_D24.1mm_W6.1mm_P9.5mm)

How To Create A Capacitor Footprint

You can view this video on Youtube by clicking on this link: How To Create A Kicad

Create Pad1

1.        KiCad does not have this footprint:

            Capacitor_THT:C_Disc_D 24.1mm_W6.1mm_P9.50mm.

2.         We have to create a new KiCad capacitor footprint.

3.         Open the Footprint Editor.

4.        Click on New Footprint.

5.       Enter the name Capacitor_THT_C_Disc_D 24.1mm_W6.1mm_P9.50mm.

6.       Click on Add pad.

7.        Pad 1 should be at y = - LS/2 = -9.5mm/2 = - 4.75mm and at 

            x = - LO/2 = -1.7mm/2 = - 0.85mm.

8.        The WIRE SIZE (mm) is given to have a diameter of 0.64mm.

9.        Let's give the hole in the pad a diameter 0.75mm and the overall diameter of the hole


10.       Right-click on pad1.

11.       Choose Properties.

12.        Then set the pad 1 properties up as shown in figure 1.5E below:

Pad properties window of footprint in KiCad tutorial
Fig. 1.5E: Pad1 of Capacitor C4 100nF Properties

13.    Click Save.

Create Pad2

1.    Right-click on pad1.

2.    Choose Duplicate.

3.    Position the duplicate pad 1 below the horizontal X-axis.

4.    Right-click duplicate pad1.

5.    Choose Properties.

6.    Set properties as shown in figure 1.5F below:

Pad properties window used in the creation of kicad footprint
Fig. 1.5F: Properties of Pad 2 of Capacitor C4

7.    Click Save.

Make The New KiCad Capacitor Footprint More Generic

1.     The footprint of capacitor C4 100nF as it is at the moment is shown in figure 1.5G


Kicad footprint of capacitor with two pads
Fig. 1.5G: Footprint Capacitor C4 at the moment.

2.        We do not know whether this is the top or bottom view.

3.        We can make the footprint more generic by adding another two pads.

4.        Right-click on pad 1.

5.        Select Duplicate.

6.        Move the duplicated pad to the right of pad 1.

7.        Right-click on the duplicated pad 1.

8.        Select Properties.

9         Set the properties of the duplicated pad (now pad3) as in figure 1.5H below:

Properties of Pad 3 of 0.1uF Capacitor
Fig, 1.5H: Properties of Pad3

10.     Click OK.

11.     Do the same for pad2.

12.     Make a duplicate of pad2.

13.     Move the duplicate to the left of pad2.

14.     Set up the Properties (for pad4) as follows as shown in figure 1.5I below:

Pad properties window of pad 3
Fig. 1.5I: Pad4 for Capacitor C4 of 100nF.

15.     Click OK

16.     The footprint so far should now look like shown in figure 1.5J:

Kicad footprint of a capacitor
Fig. 1.5J: Footprint of Capacitor so Far.

17.     We still have to do the outline of the new Kicad capacitor footprint.

Outline of New Capacitor Footprint C4 100nF

1.      From the datasheet above we know the diameter of the capacitor 

         Dmax DIAMETER (mm) is 24.1mm.

2.      We know that  Tmax THICKNESS (mm) or width = 6.1mm.

Draw Top Horizontal Line

1.        Let’s draw the top horizontal line so it starts at x = -3,1mm and y = -12.1 mm

           and ends at x = 3.1 mm and y = -12.1mm.

2.         Click on Add graphic line and draw a horizontal line.

3.         Right-click on the horizontal line and set the Line Segment Properties as follows 

            as shown in figure 1.5K

Line segment properties window of kicad footprint for a capacitor
Fig. 1.5K: Top Horizontal Line Properties of Outline of Capacitor C4

4.       Click OK.

Add Bottom Horizontal Line

1.       Right-click on the top horizontal line.

2.       Select Duplicate.

3.        Move the duplicated horizontal line to below the lower two pads.

4.        Right-click on the bottom horizontal line and set the Line Segment Properties 

           as follows as shown in figure 1.5L below.

Fig. 1.5L: Bottom Horizontal Line of Outline of Capacitor C4

5.      Click OK.

Draw the Left Vertical Line

1.        Let’s draw the left vertical line so it starts at x = -3.1mm and y = -12.1 mm

           and ends at x = - 3.1 mm and y = 12.1mm.

2.         Click on Add graphic line and draw a horizontal line.

3.          Right-click on the horizontal line and set the Line Segment Properties as 

             follows as shown in figure 1.5M.

Fig. 1.5M: Left Vertical Line Properties of Capacitor C4

4.       Click OK.

Add Right Vertical Line

1.       Right-click on the left vertical line.

2.       Select Duplicate.

3.       Move the duplicated horizontal line to the right of the pads.

4.       Right-click on the bottom horizontal line and set the Line Segment Properties 

          as follows as shown in figure 1.5N  below:

Fig. 1.5N: Right Vertical Line Properties of Outline of Capacitor C4.

5.      Click OK.

6.      Click Save.

7.      The KiCad footprint of capacitor C4 is now finished and is shown in figure 1.5O below:

Finished kicad footprint of capacitor C4
Fig. 1.5O: Finished Footprint of Capacitor C4.

8.    Click Save and click Close.     

Assign Footprint To C4 And C5

You can watch this video on Youtube by clicking on this link: 

How To Assign Capacitor Footprints: Kicad Tutorial 1.5 Part D

Assign or Add KiCad  Footprint Capacitor_THT_C_Disc_D 

24.1mm_W6.1mm_P9.50mm to Capacitor (4 C4 – 0.1uF)

1.       Open Eeschema.

2.       Click on Assign PCB footprints to schematic symbols.

3.       The Assign Footprint window opens.

4.        Under the middle window with the heading: 
           Symbol: Footprint Assignments see 4   C4-   0.1uF,

           in the left window under Footprint Libraries scroll to where you 

            have saved the footprint, in my case, it is Capacitor, double click on it.

5.        In the window on the right under Filtered Footprints the footprint you just created

            should appear.

6.         In my case it is:


7.        select,  4   C4-   0.1uF in the middle window.

8.        Double click on:


             to assign it to 4   C4-   0.1uF

9.         Click Apply, Save Schematic & Continue.

Assign or Add KiCad Footprint to (5 C5 –  200uF)

1.     The next item in our list in the Assign Footprints window under Symbol: 

        Footprint Assignments is 5 C5 –  200uF or 200 000nF. 

2.     If we click on it, it shows up in red in Eeschema.  

3.     This is a polarized capacitor.

4.     So, we can use an electrolytic capacitor.

5.     We will choose from the NIPPON CHEMI-CON Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic 

       Capacitors which look like this as shown in figure 1.5P below:

Nippon electrolytic capacitor
Fig. 1.5P: Nippon Electrolytic Capacitor

6.     We look further down the datasheet until we see as shown below in figure 1.5Q the

       diameter of the 200 uF capacitor:

Dimension of 200uF capacitor given as 16mm
Fig. 1.5Q: Diameter of 200 uF Capacitor

7.     We see next to WV 100 (Vdc) and next to Cap (uF) in the 200-row, (for 200 uF) and in 

        the Case size (theta D x L (mm)) column is written 16x20.

8.     This means the capacitor has a diameter or D (in KiCad format) of 16mm.

9.     If we look a further upwards towards the top in the datasheet, we will see the 
        capacitor's legs have a pitch of 7.5 mm as indicated from figure 1.5R shown below:

Pitch of capacitor is F = 7.5 or in kicad capacitor format P = 7.5mm
Fig. 1.5R: Pitch of Capacitor

10.     From the above, we see that since the capacitor has a diameter of 16mm it has an 
          F = 7.5 mm or P (in KiCad) of 7.5mm.

11.     From the all above we can thus say that as far as a footprint is concerned, we have:

         11.1.     a Capacitor;

          11.2.    that is THT or through-hole through;

          11.3.     that is CP or polarized;

          11.4.    it is Radial or has radial extending legs;

          11.5.   it has D or diameter of 16.0mm; and

          11.6.  it has P a leg pitch or spacing of the legs of 7.5mm.

12.    Therefore, the footprint written in KiCad format looks like this:


13.     Choose as before and double click on 


14.     Click on Apply, Save Schematic & Continue.

15.     The footprint should look like this as shown in figure 1.5S below: 

Kicad footprint of capacitor with diameter 16mm and pitch 7.5mm
Fig. 1.5S: Footprint of Capacitor

16.     Click on the 3D Display icon it is the icon with a square component mounted in a 

          PCB board viewed from the side.

17.     It should look like shown in figure 1.5T below:

3 dimensional view of capacitor
Fig. 1.5T: 3D View of Capacitor

18.       Click on Apply, Save Schematic & Continue

19.       Click Save.

Let me know if I have made any mistakes.

Previous: Tutorial 1.4: Assign Footprints 

Next:         Tutorial 1.6: Assign More Footprints: Diode (6 D1 - MBR340)

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