Saturday 27 July 2019

KiCad Tutorial 1.1: Draw Circuit

Start To Draw a Circuit
Download KiCad

1.               Go to
2.               Download and install the latest version of Kicad for your operating system.
3.               These tutorials are based on KiCad 5.1.5
4.         Kicad is a free open-source PCB (printed circuit board) software.
5.         It is a great tool to use in PCB design. 

Create a Project

4.              Click on the KiCad icon, the icon with the transistor and two resistors a 
            square in the lower right corner and the lower right corner of the square cut-off.
5.               The KiCad window opens.
6.               Click File click New click Project … .
7.               Give it a name and click Save.
8.               You will see files in the left window with the following extensions:
8.2.          ProjectName.kicad_pcb
8.3.          ProjectName.sch.

You can see this video on YouTube by clicking here

The Circuit (Schematic) We Want To Draw in KiCad. 

1.                Firstly, we draw the circuit or schematic in fig. 1.1A below in Eeschema as 
             we want to create a printed circuit board or PCB for it so that we can build it.
2.               It is a step-down circuit in that for an input of 12 volts it gives an output of 3.3 volt.
3.              It is used by implementing the LTC 1624 from Linear Technology.
4.              The LTC 1624 is a switching regulator controller.
5.               Details of the LTC 1624 can be found on the Digi-Key website by clicking here.
6.             On this page, a simulation model is given as LTC1624 Spice Model in LTspice
           within which the circuit below is simulated.

ltspice circuit to be drawn in eschema
Fig, 1.1A LTspice Circuit to Draw in Kicad

Draw the Circuit
Page Settings

1.               Click on the Schematic Layout Editor icon.
2.               It is the icon with the transistor and two resistors.
3.               Eeschema opens. 
4.              A window opens that is a page that has a drawing sheet with a square in the 
           lower right corner.
5.              You can fill it in by clicking File and then Page Settings … .
6.        It is the icon with the page and the two vertical and horizontal double-sided intersecting arrows and square in the lower right corner.
7.               A Page Settings window opens.
8.               Fill in the title block fields like shown in figure 1.1B below:
filled in title block in kicad
Fig. 1.1B: Title Block Filled In

Place Symbols

Place LTC1624

1.               Click on the Place symbol icon which is the icon with the op-amp on the right vertical bar of icons of the main window.   
2.               Be careful, there is another op-amp icon on the top horizontal icon bar.
3.               Do not use this one. It is for Create, delete and edit symbols.
4.               Click on the Place symbol icon.
5.               Click on the drawing sheet in the main window.
6.               Another window opens with heading Choose Symbol
7.               Where there is written Filter type “LTC1624”.
8.               The Choose Symbol window opens and looks like this in figure 1.1C below:

ltc 1624 symbol in kicad
Fig, 1.1C: LTC1624 Symbol

9.                 Choose LTC1624CS8
High Efficiency N-Channel Switching Regulator Controller, SOIC-8 Key words: Switching Regulator Controller.
10.              Click OK.

Place Capacitors

1.               Click on the Place symbol icon which is the op-amp icon on the right vertical bar of icons of the main window. 
2.               Click on the drawing sheet in the main window.
3.               Another window opens with heading Choose Symbol.
4.               In filter space type in “C”.
5.               It should look like shown in figure 1.1D below.  

capacitor symbol
Fig. 1.1D: Unpolarized Capacitor Symbol

C5 1000pF According to LTspice Drawing

1.               According to the schematic or circuit, C5 is an unpolarized capacitor of 1000 pF.
2.               Under Device choose C Unpolarized capacitor.
3.               Click OK.
4.             Left Click on the schematic or circuit sheet in the main window to place this 
          1000 pF capacitor symbol so that it corresponds with the position of the C5 capacitor 
          in the circuit.
5.              Right Click on the capacitor symbol in the schematic.
6.              Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… field.
7.        The Edit Value Field window should open.
8.              In the Text: box where there is a “C” type “1000pF”.
9.              It should look like this as shown in figure 1.1E below:

edit value field for capacitor
Fig. 1.1E: Edit Value Field Window

10.              Click OK.
11.              Click Save. 

C3 470pF According to LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               According to the schematic or circuit, C3 is also an unpolarized capacitor of 470 pF.
2.               Under Device choose C Unpolarized capacitor.
3.               Click OK.
4.               Left Click on the schematic or circuit sheet in the main window to place this 470 pF capacitor symbol so that it corresponds with the position of the C3 capacitor in the circuit.
5.               Right Click on the capacitor symbol in the Eeschema schematic or circuit.
6.               Select Orientation and Rotate Clockwise
7.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… field.
8.               In the Text: box where there is a “C” type “470pF”.
9.               Click OK.
10.            Click Save.          

C2 100pF According to LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               According to the drawing, C2 is an unpolarized capacitor of 100 pF.
2.               Under Device choose C Unpolarized capacitor.
3.               Click OK.
4.               Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place this 100 pF capacitor symbol so that it corresponds with the position of the C2 capacitor in the circuit.
5.               Right Click on the capacitor in the Eeschema drawing.
6.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… field.
7.               In the Text: box where there is a “C” type “100pF”.
8.               Click OK.
9.               Click Save.

You can see this video on YouTube by clicking here.

C4 0.1uF According to the LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               According to the drawing, C4 is an unpolarized capacitor of 0.1 uF.
2.               Under Device choose C Unpolarized capacitor.
3.               Click OK.
4.               Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place this 0.1uF capacitor symbol so that it corresponds with the position of the C4 capacitor in the circuit.
5.               Right Click on the capacitor in the Eeschema drawing.
6.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… field.
7.               In the Text: box where there is a “C” type “0.1uF”.
8.               Click OK.
9.               Click Save.

 C1 200uF According to the LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.                According to the drawing, C1 is a polarized capacitor of 200 uF. 
2.         Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place a capacitor symbol. 
2.               Under Device choose CP Polarized capacitor.
3.               Click OK
4.         It should look like this as shown in figure 1.1F below:

Fig. 1.1F: Polarized Capacitor Symbol

5.                 Place this C1 capacitor symbol so that it corresponds with the position of the 200uF capacitor in the circuit.                
6.               Right Click on the capacitor in the Eeschema drawing.
7.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… field.
8.               In the Text: box where there is a “CP” type “200uF”.
9.               Click OK.
10.            Click Save.

Place Resistors

1.               Click on the Place symbol icon which is the operational amplifier (op-amp) icon on the right vertical bar of icons of the main window.  
2.               Click on the drawing sheet in the main window.
3.               Another window opens with heading Choose Symbol (14276 items loaded).
4.               In filter space type in “R”.
5.               Under Device Generic symbols for common devices choose R Resistor.
6.               It should look like shown in figure 1.1G below:

Fig. 1.1G: Resistor Symbol

7.     Click OK

The R1 20k Resistor According to the LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place the resistor symbol somewhere on the lower left of the C1 200uF capacitor.
2.               This will become the 20k resistor in the drawing.
3.               Right Click on the resistor in the Eeschema schematic.
4.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… .
5.               In the Text: box where there is an “R” type “20k”.
6.               It should look like this in figure 1.1H below:

Fig. 1.1H: Edit Value Field Window for Resistor

7.       Click OK
8.       Click Save

The R2 35.7k Resistor in the LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place the resistor symbol somewhere next to and left of the C1 200uF capacitor.
2.               This will become the 35.7k resistor in the drawing.
3.               Right Click on the resistor in the Eeschema drawing.
4.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… .
5.               In the Text: box where there is an “R” type “35.7k”.
6.               Click OK.
7.               Click Save.

The R4 .033 Resistor in the LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place the resistor symbol somewhere next to the upper right of LTC1624.
2.               This will become the 0.033-ohm resistor in the schematic.
3.               Right Click on the resistor in the Eeschema schematic.
4.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… .
5.               In the Text: box where there is an “R” type “.033”.
6.               Click OK.
7.               Click Save.

The R3 6.8k Resistor in the LTspice Schematic or Circuit

1.               Left Click on the drawing sheet in the main window to place the resistor symbol somewhere next to and left of the 470pF capacitor.
2.               This will become the 6.8k resistor in the schematic.
3.               Right Click on the resistor in the Eeschema schematic.
4.               Click on Properties and click on Edit Value… .
5.               In the Text: box where there is an “R” type “6.8k”.
6.               Click OK.
7.               Click Save.

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